
Amazing Tour, New Single

Thanks to each and every person that came to the shows last weekend!  We are so thankful and humbled by your support.  We can't wait to get back out on the road.  We will be announcing the EP Release tour dates next Friday.  In the meantime, we will be releasing another single and music video for "My Soul" on June 1st.


Shows are finally here

We are thrilled to finally be heading out on this run with these amazing bands.  Be sure to get there as soon as doors open to be one of the first 30 people to receive a free download of the EP and other exclusive content.  We've had a lot of positive press leading up to these shows, so we hope to see you all there!


"Numb Mind" Released, Tour Preparations

Last Friday saw the release of "Numb Mind".  Thanks for all of the positive feedback and to those of you who have shared it.  The free download is still available until this Friday - check the link on the "Welcome" page. 

We are gearing up for our first run of shows.  We will be joined by OCNS, The Lovely Few, and Badweather - amazing bands made up of amazing people.  We can't wait.  Check the dates below.

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